The GEO Mountains Inventory of In Situ Observational Infrastructure – a compilation of information on in situ observatories and other infrastructure in the mountains of the world – can now be viewed as an interactive web map, with the corresponding dataset also available for download. 

GEO Mountains is pleased to announce the release of its Inventory of In Situ Observational Infrastructure v1.0. The Inventory intends to compile systematic metadata on mountain observational infrastructure (stations, station networks, experimental catchments, etc.) from a wide range of disciplines.

In particular, we seek to ease the discoverability and access to associated datasets, especially those from the research community which may not otherwise be widely known. The inventory (web map and data download) can be accessed here.

GEO Mountains In Situ Inventory

Pictured: A screenshot of the GEO Mountains Inventory of In Situ Observational Infrastructure.

GEO Mountains Scientific Project Officer, Dr. James Thornton, said "We warmly invite contributions from the community to add sites and improve information on existing sites where applicable. Showcase your field efforts and increase the reuse and impact of your datasets!" Information can be provided via this form. In the longer term, we hope that the inventory will support insightful analysis into which variables, regions, time-periods, and elevation bands are comparatively under monitored, so that ultimately the situation can be improved.

If you would like to propose other datasets (e.g. remotely sensed datasets, simulated / derived outputs), tools, and resources (e.g. open source software) to be showcased via GEO Mountains, please make a submission to the GEO Mountains General Inventory via this form.

Cover image by David Mark.

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