We would like to thank everyone who submitted a proposal to the GEO Mountains Small Grants Programme 2024–2025. In total, 99 proposals were received. 

We warmly congratulate the 10 projects which were selected following external review. Each will receive up to CHF10,000. 

The successful projects are as follows: 

  • The glacier-water-health nexus in the deglaciating Andes of Peru – Principal Investigator: Fabian Drenkhan (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)
  • Unlocking airborne historical stereo-image archives for glacier elevation change assessment in the Chilean Andes – Principal Investigator: Livia Piermattei (University of Zurich)
  • Modeling of the surface energy balance and surface mass balance for several glaciers of the Cordillera Blanca using physical numerical models and Artificial Intelligence – Principal Investigator: Rolando Cesai Cruz Encarnación (Autoridad Nacional del Agua)
  • Expanding real-time meteorological observations in the Greater Caucasus: Gathering alltitude dependent critical data for multidisciplinary studies – Principal Investigator: Mikheil Elashvili (Ilia State University)
  • Armenian (South Caucasus) small alpine lakes geoportal – Principal Investigator: Irina Fedorova (National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia)
  • Monitoring of glaciers in the Karakoram with special emphasis on water demand and management (STREAM) – Principal Investigator: Alexander Raphael Groos (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg)
  • Risk assessment for hydropower projects from rock and/or ice avalanches in High Mountain Asia (REACH) – Principal Investigator: Yan Zhong (University of Geneva)
  • Long-term monitoring of snow accumulation and related climate variables at a high-altitude cryospheric research site in Bhutan – Principal Investigator: Rebecca Gugerli (MeteoSwiss)
  • Elevation Dependent Climate Change on the slopes of Kilimanjaro and its impacts on water supply – Principal Investigator: Nick Pepin (University of Portsmouth)
  • AMUClim: AI-powered High-resolution Ethiopian Climate Data Store – Principal Investigator: Thomas Torora Minda (Arba Minch University)

We acknowledge the proposal reviewers, who were drawn from across the GEO Mountains community.  We wish each project team well as they begin their work, and look forward to helping to share the results and outputs in due course. Finally, we are extremely grateful to the numerous organisations and institutions who are also contributing to the projects, either via matching funds or in-kind.  

 Photo by Stefan Wagener on Unsplash.

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