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ILTER 3rd OSM 2022

12/09/2022 16/09/2022

External Event

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The meeting will take place as a hybrid conference (both in-person and remote participation possible). The conference will likely run from 9-17 CST (China standard time, UTC + 8) each day. 



The International Long Term Ecological Research Network, ILTER, is a network of networks, encompassing hundreds of research sites located in a wide array of ecosystems that can help understand environmental change across the globe. ILTER's focus is on long-term, site-based research and monitoring. 

ILTER’s vision is a world in which science helps prevent and solve environmental and socio-ecological problems. ILTER contributes to solving international ecological and socio-economic problems through question and problem-driven research, with a unique ability to design collaborative, site-based projects, compare data from a global network of sites and detect global trends.

Specifically, the purpose of ILTER is to provide a globally distributed network and infrastructure of long-term research sites for use in the fields of ecosystem, biodiversity, critical zone and socio-ecological research, and to secure highest quality interoperable services in close interaction with related regional and global research infrastructures and networks.

ILTER organizes an Open Science Meeting (OSM) every three years to foster scientific exchange and community building within and beyond the ILTER networks around the globe.

General Themes OSM22

  • Sensitivity, mechanisms and adaptation of biodiversity and ecosystem functions to global change.
  • Environmental pollution, ecosystem restoration and management.
  • Ecological and social ecological resilience against shocks from pandemics to climate change.
  • New technologies and infrastructures for ecosystem research and biodiversity.
  • Application of ILTER science to environmental issues in society.


Special Sessions OSM22


Call for Abstracts

Call for abstracts is currently open! Please submit your abstract in your profile page.

Deadline for abstract submission: May 31, 2022.

Submit Abstract


 Cover image by Xinle M.


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