Save the date of the next GEO Symposium and ODOK Workshop! It will be held from 23 to 26 September 2024, in Hangzhou, China.
Theme: From Vision to Action: Crafting GEO’s Post 2025 Implementation Plan.
The 2024 GEO Symposium will focus on translating the Post-2025 Strategy into a detailed and costed Implementation Plan.
- The registration deadline is 12 July 2024.
- The GEO Symposium and ODOK Workshop will be an in person event in China. Some sessions will be live streamed, but there will be no possibility for interaction. Details where to follow the live stream will be made available on the event's website.
Key objectives:
- Support the development of the Implementation Plan, including a transformative Work Programme for the Post-2025 Strategy.
- Advance collaborations among the GEO Work Programme to provide integrated, innovative and co-designed open products and services.
- Provide the GEO Work Programme community with opportunities to showcase their work and network with each other.
- Foster discussions on pressing common issues related to Earth observation data, knowledge and infrastructure.
Session Formats:
- Plenary sessions: consultative sessions allowing the GEO community to contribute insights to the Post-2025 Implementation Plan with the new GEO Work Programme included.
- Parallel sessions: workshop style sessions enabling GEO Work Programme activities and the broader GEO community to sketch collaborative projects for Post-2025
- Posters and live demos: a platform for GEO Work Programme activities to showcase their products, services and other achievements.
Cover image by Ruslan Bardash.